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Home » Contractors Insurance in Ashland, OR

Contractors Insurance in Ashland, OR

As a contractor, you are relied on to provide timely and consistent services. Any delays, errors or other unexpected hurdles could affect your own work, as well as that of a larger project you may be contributing to. As such, even slight issues could have significant financial ramifications for you and your clients. With this in mind, contractors insurance may be necessary to provide fiscal stability and peace of mind.

What Is Contractors Insurance? a couple of tools that are sitting on a table

Contractors policies are a specialized form of business insurance tailored toward the needs of your unique operations and circumstances. Like business insurance, contractors coverage may not be available as a named product from insurance carriers. Rather, you may be tasked with assembling your coverage portfolio from several separate policies. With this in mind, enlisting the assistance of a qualified professional, such as Reinholdt & O'Harra Insurance, may be helpful.

What Types of Coverage Are Included in Contractors Insurance?

When putting together your insurance portfolio, you should thoroughly assess your risks and exposures. Furthermore, you should be aware of any legal or contract-related requirements. While exact needs can vary, the following types of coverage are often valuable for most contractors:

  • General liability insurance
  • Commercial property insurance
  • Inland marine insurance
  • Builders risk insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Business interruption insurance
  • Errors and omissions insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Commercial umbrella insurance

Who Needs Contractors Insurance?

Contractors are often beholden to certain requirements regarding insurance coverage. Many clients and project owners may also impose their own mandates before hiring you. Regardless of formal obligations, contractors coverage should be a top priority. Even artisan professionals with extensive experience in their specializations may not be able to anticipate or prevent every mishap. Furthermore, certain circumstances, such as severe weather, may be completely out of your control. In the wake of many incidents, insurance may play a crucial role in helping you manage the aftermath.

We’re Here to Help

At Reinholdt & O'Harra Insurance, we understand the unique nature and complexities of insurance for contractors. Our team will apply its extensive knowledge and experience to assess your unique needs and procure ideal coverage solutions. Contact us today to begin comparing contractors insurance quotes.

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